Show personalised website content automatically depending on which company visits your website.

IP TO CONTENT Key Features
Change content dynamically on the website
Track company names and industries via the website
Analyse number of visitors and companies
Account Based Marketing on a whole new level with IP2C.
Dynamic Content through IP2C
Show your website visitors the content that fits their industry! With IP TO CONTENT, you recognise the visitor’s industry and are thus able to adapt content such as texts or images to the visitor’s industry in real time. Through targeted addressing, you increase attention and improve your conversion rate.

Change content dependent on UTM-Parameter
With UTM parameters, you change the content of your website based on different campaigns or keywords from e.g. Google Ads or Bing Ads.
This function is included free of charge in the IP2C Wordpress PlugIn. We will be happy to support you in setting it up.

Account Based Marketing
Use dynamic website content for your account-based marketing. Convince selected companies of your offer through website content that is strategically tailored to them.
Present different industries or even individual companies with targeted, individual price lists or offers on your website – based on the company names recognised by IP2Content. This way you automatically increase your turnover and reduce the effort of your sales processes.
Select B2B
target groups
Define dynamic
Show dynamic

Analyse the companies on your website
The analysis tool evaluates and displays all recognised companies and the number of rules met. Which rules are called most frequently and how many tokens are still available to you are displayed in real time in the dashboard.
IP TO Content Attributes
Choose between 6 different IP2C attributes to customise the content of your website.
Individualise your website content
With the intuitive graphical interface, you can define different target groups and assign them to the desired content. Use the familiar Wordpress blocks to create content and create multiple rules for a page for maximum customisation.
The WiredMinds Support
is here for your needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Alle FAQs
Test IP2C now!
IP2C Free
Dynamic Content for UTM Parameter
+ 1.000 IP2C requests for free
3 Conditions
Wordpress Plugin
no registration needed
IP2C Pro
Dynamic Content for UTM Parameter
up to 20.000 IP2C requests
7 different attributes
up to 100 conditions
Email Support
from 59€
Wordpress PlugIn
Web Application* (SaaS)
Register per Mail
Sepa or Credit Card
13 different Attribute
Up to 10 Mio IP2C requests mnth.
Own use of IP2C Data
Email & Phonesupport
Unlimited conditions
30 days test phase
Daily updated database
Direct API access
Further use of the data
Payable monthly
Sepa direct debit or credit card
Contact us!
Your opinion is important to us. Whether it’s a simple question or a valuable suggestion,
we are here for you. You can call us by phone or send us an email directly.
WiredMinds GmbH
Lindenspürstr. 32
70176 Stuttgart